Saturday, May 05, 2007

Terrific Traffic.

I set for a morning walk in the Hyderabad city, err... should I say dwelling area.

As I walked down the lanes inhaling the essence of chaotic civic upbeat of community inhabitants in their aristocratic bungalows with landscaped gardens, I found heaps of debris systematically strewed and juxtaposed just outside them. It is a methodical approach to clean up one's house and let others suffer. However, this bizarre system seemed to veer more towards mayhem when I passed through low-income areas where the same debris seemed welcome even inside their houses!

The roads on which the vehicles move, are characteristically designed with uniform potholes and uneven patches, adorned with overflowing dustbins emanating disgusting odor, enabling the early morning walker to make it more brisk or run for their health. Then a cloud of carbon monoxide profusely emitted by the age-old busses, trucks and 'dead'ly cars, only to reprieve you from the stinking debris that could have ruptured your nostrils. The swirling dust clouds & cacophonous decibel levels, which are 10-20 times above the accepted levels is another respite, if you can save your eyes and ears.

Then completely chaotic traffic wherein the most prevalent motorist attitude was to get going - at others' cost and with callous disregard for victims of their adventurous methods. I witnessed the most unusual crashes, live on road. A cyclist trying to overtake a motor bike sprang a surprise on him. The motor cyclist on the alleged reason of balancing himself dashed into a cow, which is feeding itself with newspapers. The cow reacted wildly and scripted ten crashes instantly, involving 7 auto-rickshaws, 1 bus, 3cars, 1 cargo van, 1 water tanker, 5 bicycles, 7 pedestrians, including 2 children, 7 dogs, 1 cow, 1 buffalo, 3 hens, & 2 hapless squirrels which were crossing over to a tree across the road. As the injuries were not alarming, the road returned to its chaotic order in just three minutes, while the cop overseeing everything sipping a cup of tea, from a considerable safe distance.

The frightening happenings on roads and unhealthy conditions en route are an example of one's mindset and lack of application to circumstances. A comprehensive approach to situation and adopting more civilized responsibility would enhance the value and respect for life. It doesn't cost our life to create a healthy environment, but it surely does, if we do not.

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